Nearly four months after New York Times and USA Today Best-Selling Author Joanna Penn posted ESE, Inc. CEO Eric Simmons’ article, “How To Get Your Book Into Libraries” on her website and Twitter, @thecreativepenn, there have been 2,014 interactions related to the piece, ESE, Inc. noted today. These include shares, comments, likes, retweets, mentions, and links to ESE, Inc’s ESETOMES website from individuals in 27 countries. On Twitter, the article has also been boosted by shares from renowned word refiner Mark Schultz, @wordrefiner, to his over 36,000 followers.
(Data Source: Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Twitter Analytics).
“Aretha Franklin was the “Queen of Soul,” no doubt, and Joanna Penn is, in my view, the “Queen of Self-Publishing.” My many thanks to her for sharing my article with her followers. I’d also like to thank Mark as well for sharing the piece and for his ongoing support. Hopefully, one day, I’ll get to meet them both and thank them in person,” said Simmons.
“How To Get Your Book Into Libraries” is a copyrighted product of ESE, Inc.
#HowToGetYourBookIntoLibraries #TheCreativePenn #WordRefiner #EricOtisSimmons @esimmonsauthor