The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture will soon be adding, “Getting Your Book Into Libraries” to its prestigious collection, ESE, Inc. announced today. With the addition, the Schomburg Center will have all three of ESE, Inc. CEO Eric Simmons’ self-published ESETOMES books, the others being “HTSP - How to Self-Publish” and his Memoir, “Not Far From The Tree.”
In 1998, the Schomburg Center's Collection was considered as consisting of the rarest, and most useful, Afrocentric artifacts of any public library in the United States. At least as late as 2006, it is viewed as the most prestigious for African-American materials in the country. (Source: Wikipedia)
#SchomburgCenter #NYPL #ESEInc #ESETOMES #NotFarFromTheTree #HTSPHowToSelfPublish #GettingYourBookIntoLibraries #EricOtisSimmons @esimmonsauthor